Origami Database Search Results for alexander kurth

28 origami designs found:

Design Designer Book Page Details Photo

Imaginary beings - Pegasi
Do Ba HuyCover of VOG 2 by Vietnam Origami GroupVOG 2 by Vietnam Origami Group (read full review)

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Pegasus with unicorn horn
Origami Alicorn by Do Ba Huy on giladorigami.com
Folded by Alexander Kurth
Imaginary beings - Angels
Alexander KurthCover of Origami Deutschland 2019Origami Deutschland 20199Square

Big eyed owl
Birds - Strigiformes - Owls
Alexander KurthCover of Der Falter 63Der Falter 6368Square
Big eyed owl
Birds - Strigiformes - Owls
Alexander KurthCover of OrigaMIT 2014 Convention BookOrigaMIT 2014 Convention Book28Square
Big eyed owl
Birds - Strigiformes - Owls
Alexander KurthCover of PCOC 2015 - All Roads Lead to BoulderPCOC 2015 - All Roads Lead to Boulder55Square
Boxes and Containers
Alexander KurthCover of Christmas Origami Book 2012Christmas Origami Book 20125SquareOrigami Bowl by Alexander Kurth on giladorigami.com
Folded by Alexander Kurth
Darth Vader mask
Media and Culture - Star Wars
Alexander KurthCover of CDO convention 2016CDO convention 2016133Square
Darth Vader mask
Media and Culture - Star Wars
Alexander KurthCover of Origami Deutschland 2018Origami Deutschland 201814Square
Elephant - irinafant
Mammals - Elephantidae - Elephants
Alexander KurthCover of Origami Deutschland 2014Origami Deutschland 201429Square
Elephant - irinafant
Mammals - Elephantidae - Elephants
Alexander KurthCover of Origami USA Convention 2015Origami USA Convention 2015 (read full review)

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Elephant - irinafant
Mammals - Elephantidae - Elephants
Alexander KurthCover of PCOC 2015 - All Roads Lead to BoulderPCOC 2015 - All Roads Lead to Boulder51Square
Elephant head
Mammals - Elephantidae - Elephants
Stefan KoberCover of Origami Deutschland 2015Origami Deutschland 2015238SquareOrigami Elephant head by Stefan Kober on giladorigami.com
Folded by Alexander Kurth
Alexander KurthCover of Origami Deutschland 2019Origami Deutschland 201918Square
Birds - Apodiformes - Hummingbirds
Alexander KurthCover of Christmas Origami Book 2012Christmas Origami Book 20126SquareOrigami Hummingbird by Alexander Kurth on giladorigami.com
Folded by Alexander Kurth
Joy in Jesus
Alexander KurthCover of Origami Deutschland 2018Origami Deutschland 201811Square
Media and Culture
Alexander KurthCover of AEP convention 2018AEP convention 201890Square
Media and Culture
Alexander KurthCover of Origami Deutschland 2015Origami Deutschland 201545Square
Mammals - Rodentia - Rats, Mice and Rodents
Alexander KurthCover of Origami Deutschland 2018Origami Deutschland 201816Square
Birds - Strigiformes - Owls
Alexander KurthCover of Personal CollectionPersonal CollectionSquareOrigami Owl by Alexander Kurth on giladorigami.com
Folded by Rui Roda
Birds - Sphenisciformes - Penguins
Alexander KurthCover of Der Falter 62Der Falter 6214Square
Showing you my heart
Alexander KurthCover of Origami Deutschland 2019Origami Deutschland 201912Square
Birds - Anseriformes - Swans
Hoang Tien QuyetCover of AEP convention 2017AEP convention 2017185SquareOrigami Swan by Hoang Tien Quyet on giladorigami.com
Folded by Alexander Kurth
Birds - Anseriformes - Swans
Hoang Tien QuyetCover of Origami Deutschland 2014Origami Deutschland 201498SquareOrigami Swan by Hoang Tien Quyet on giladorigami.com
Folded by Alexander Kurth
Birds - Anseriformes - Swans
Hoang Tien QuyetCover of Origami USA Convention 2014Origami USA Convention 2014 (read full review)

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164SquareOrigami Swan by Hoang Tien Quyet on giladorigami.com
Folded by Alexander Kurth
Birds - Anseriformes - Swans
Hoang Tien QuyetCover of Venezuela Origami Convention 2015Venezuela Origami Convention 201514SquareOrigami Swan by Hoang Tien Quyet on giladorigami.com
Folded by Alexander Kurth
Swan 2012
Birds - Anseriformes - Swans
Hoang Tien QuyetCover of Quadrato Magico Magazine 107Quadrato Magico Magazine 10714SquareOrigami Swan 2012 by Hoang Tien Quyet on giladorigami.com
Folded by Alexander Kurth
Thief of the last geometry
Mammals - Felidae - Cats
Alexander KurthCover of Drawing Origami - Volume 1 by Halle, Pere Olivella and Nicolas TerryDrawing Origami - Volume 1 by Halle, Pere Olivella and Nicolas Terry (read full review)

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Cat holding a square
Origami Thief of the last geometry by Alexander Kurth on giladorigami.com
Folded by Yara Yagi
Toys - Planes
Alexander KurthCover of Origami Deutschland 2019Origami Deutschland 201916Square