Calendariorigami  - QQM 22 book cover

Calendariorigami - QQM 22

by Angela Crosta

1995 by Centro Diffusione Origami

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Skill Level Simple to intermediate
Clear diagrams? Yes
Tinted diagrams (to show 2 sides of paper)? Yes
Photos of completed models? No
Is there indication to the model size resulting from size of starting paper? No
Are the models "Pure" origami (From a single square - no cuts)? Varies

There are 16 Origami Designs in Calendariorigami - QQM 22:

Design Designer Page Details Photo

Country Fold tessellation

Geometric and other shapes

Angela Crosta5Rectangle - 1X4
Multiple units
Hearts & Fourfolds tessellation

Geometric and other shapes

Angela Crosta7Square
Multiple units
Butterfly 1 tessellation

Geometric and other shapes

Angela Crosta10Rectangle
Multiple units
Butterfly 2 tessellation

Geometric and other shapes

Angela Crosta12Square
Multiple units
Fish tessellation

Geometric and other shapes

Angela Crosta15Rectangle - 1X3
Multiple units
Flower 1 tessellation

Geometric and other shapes

Angela Crosta18Rectangle - 1X3
Multiple units
Flower 2 tessellation

Geometric and other shapes

Angela Crosta20Rectangle - A size
Multiple units
Horse tessellation

Geometric and other shapes

Angela Crosta22Square
Multiple units
Bird in Flight tessellation

Geometric and other shapes

Angela Crosta25Square
Multiple units
Leaf 1 tessellation

Geometric and other shapes

Angela Crosta28Rectangle
Multiple units
Leaf 2 tessellation

Geometric and other shapes

Angela Crosta29Rectangle - 1X2
Multiple units
Migratory Bird tessellation

Geometric and other shapes

Angela Crosta32Rectangle - Long strip
Multiple units
Dancer tessellation

Geometric and other shapes

Angela Crosta36Rectangle - 1X2
Multiple units
Bottles tessellation

Geometric and other shapes

Angela Crosta38Rectangle
Multiple units
Leaf tessellation

Geometric and other shapes

Angela Crosta41Square
Multiple units
Christmas Tree tessellation

Geometric and other shapes

Angela Crosta44Rectangle
Multiple units