Voglia di Scatole (Craving Boxes) - QQM 37 book cover

Voglia di Scatole (Craving Boxes) - QQM 37

by Pasquale d'Auria

2006 by Centro Diffusione Origami

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Skill Level Simple to complex
Clear diagrams? Yes
Tinted diagrams (to show 2 sides of paper)? Yes
Photos of completed models? No
Is there indication to the model size resulting from size of starting paper? No
Are the models "Pure" origami (From a single square - no cuts)? Varies

There are 12 Origami Designs in Voglia di Scatole (Craving Boxes) - QQM 37:

Design Designer Page Details Photo

Long box

Boxes and Containers

Pasquale d'Auria3Rectangle
3 units
Egyptian box - pyramid

Boxes and Containers

Pasquale d'Auria7Square
2 units

Boxes and Containers

Pasquale d'Auria11Square
2 units
Car box

Boxes and Containers

Pasquale d'Auria13Square
2 units
Truck box

Boxes and Containers

Pasquale d'Auria16Square
2 units
Cake box

Boxes and Containers

Pasquale d'Auria20Square
Multiple units

With decorations
Photo box

Boxes and Containers

Pasquale d'Auria38Square
2 units
Box with 2 photos

Boxes and Containers

Pasquale d'Auria41Square
2 units
Decorated box

Boxes and Containers

Pasquale d'Auria48Square
2 units

With variations
Rectangular box

Boxes and Containers

Pasquale d'Auria56Rectangle
2 units
Octagonal box

Boxes and Containers

Pasquale d'Auria58Rectangle
2 units
Hexagonal box

Boxes and Containers

Pasquale d'Auria61Square
2 units