Da Stella a Ninfee  - QQM 41 book cover

Da Stella a Ninfee - QQM 41

by Mauro Pucci

2008 by Centro Diffusione Origami

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Skill Level Simple to intermediate
Clear diagrams? Yes
Tinted diagrams (to show 2 sides of paper)? Yes
Photos of completed models? No
Is there indication to the model size resulting from size of starting paper? No
Are the models "Pure" origami (From a single square - no cuts)? Varies

There are 26 Origami Designs in Da Stella a Ninfee - QQM 41:

Design Designer Page Details Photo


Geometric and other shapes

Mauro Pucci5Square
Stars from pinwheel

Geometric and other shapes

Mauro Pucci7Square
The easiest way to get a star

Geometric and other shapes

Mauro Pucci11Square
5-pointed star

Geometric and other shapes

Mauro Pucci13Square
6-pointed star

Geometric and other shapes

Mauro Pucci14Rectangle
Star 01

Geometric and other shapes

Mauro Pucci16Square
Star 02

Geometric and other shapes

Mauro Pucci18Square
Star 03

Geometric and other shapes

Mauro Pucci20Square
Star 04 and variant

Geometric and other shapes

Mauro Pucci23Square
Star 05

Geometric and other shapes

Mauro Pucci28Square
Star 06

Geometric and other shapes

Mauro Pucci30Square
Star 07

Geometric and other shapes

Mauro Pucci31Square
Star 08

Geometric and other shapes

Mauro Pucci33Square
Star 09

Geometric and other shapes

Mauro Pucci35Square
Star 10

Geometric and other shapes

Mauro Pucci37Square
Star 11

Geometric and other shapes

Mauro Pucci40Square
8-pointed star base

Geometric and other shapes

Mauro Pucci42Square
Star 12

Geometric and other shapes

Mauro Pucci44Square
Star 13

Geometric and other shapes

Mauro Pucci47Square
Star 14

Geometric and other shapes

Mauro Pucci49Square
Star 15

Geometric and other shapes

Mauro Pucci50Square
Star 16

Geometric and other shapes

Mauro Pucci53Square
Star 17

Geometric and other shapes

Mauro Pucci55Square
Star 18

Geometric and other shapes

Mauro Pucci58Square
Star 19

Geometric and other shapes

Mauro Pucci59Square
Water lily

Flora - Flowers

Mauro Pucci61Square