Polyhedral Origami book cover

Polyhedral Origami

by Miyuki Kawamura

1995 by Nihon Hyoronsha

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Skill Level Intermediate
Clear diagrams? Yes
Tinted diagrams (to show 2 sides of paper)? Yes
Photos of completed models? Yes
Is there indication to the model size resulting from size of starting paper? No
Are the models "Pure" origami (From a single square - no cuts)? Varies

There are 71 Origami Designs in Polyhedral Origami:

Design Designer Page Details Photo


Geometric and other shapes

Miyuki Kawamura2Rectangle
Multiple units

Geometric and other shapes

Miyuki Kawamura6Rectangle
Multiple units

Geometric and other shapes

Miyuki Kawamura8Square
Multiple units

Geometric and other shapes

Miyuki Kawamura10Square
Multiple units

Geometric and other shapes

Miyuki Kawamura15Square
Multiple units
Truncated Tetrahedron

Geometric and other shapes

Miyuki Kawamura16Triangle
Multiple units
Truncated Hexahedron

Geometric and other shapes

Miyuki Kawamura20Square
Multiple units
Truncated Octahedron

Geometric and other shapes

Miyuki Kawamura25Square
Multiple units
Truncated Dodecahedron

Geometric and other shapes

Miyuki Kawamura27Pentagon
Multiple units
Truncated Icosahedron

Geometric and other shapes

Miyuki Kawamura31Square
Multiple units

Geometric and other shapes

Miyuki Kawamura33Square
Multiple units

Geometric and other shapes

Miyuki Kawamura36Pentagon
Multiple units

Geometric and other shapes

Miyuki Kawamura38Square
Multiple units

Geometric and other shapes

Miyuki Kawamura41Square
Multiple units
Twist Rhombic dodecahedron

Geometric and other shapes

Miyuki Kawamura43Square
Multiple units
Rhombitruncated Cuboctahedron

Geometric and other shapes

Miyuki Kawamura44Square
Multiple units
Rhombitruncated Icosidodecahedron

Geometric and other shapes

Miyuki Kawamura47Square
Multiple units
Snub Cube

Geometric and other shapes

Miyuki Kawamura50Rectangle
Multiple units
Snub Dodecahedron

Geometric and other shapes

Miyuki Kawamura53Square
Multiple units
Trigonal Prism

Geometric and other shapes

Miyuki Kawamura54Square
Multiple units
Pentagonal Prism

Geometric and other shapes

Miyuki Kawamura57Square
Multiple units
Hexagonal Prism

Geometric and other shapes

Miyuki Kawamura59Square
Multiple units
Heptagonal Prism

Geometric and other shapes

Miyuki Kawamura60Heptagon
Multiple units
Octagonal Prism

Geometric and other shapes

Miyuki Kawamura64Square
Multiple units
Enneagonal Prism

Geometric and other shapes

Miyuki Kawamura66Nonagon
Multiple units
Decagonal Prism

Geometric and other shapes

Miyuki Kawamura70Square
Multiple units
Tetragonal Antiprism

Geometric and other shapes

Miyuki Kawamura73Square
Multiple units
Pentagonal Antiprism

Geometric and other shapes

Miyuki Kawamura75Square
Multiple units
Hexagonal Antirism

Geometric and other shapes

Miyuki Kawamura76Square
Multiple units
Heptagonal Antiprism

Geometric and other shapes

Miyuki Kawamura77Square
Multiple units
Octagonal Antiprism

Geometric and other shapes

Miyuki Kawamura79Square
Multiple units
Enneagonal Antiprism

Geometric and other shapes

Miyuki Kawamura81Square
Multiple units
Decagonal Antiprism

Geometric and other shapes

Miyuki Kawamura82Square
Multiple units
Triakis Tetrahedron

Geometric and other shapes

Miyuki Kawamura94Rectangle - 1X2
Multiple units
Triakis Octahedron

Geometric and other shapes

Miyuki Kawamura96Rectangle - 1X2
Multiple units
Tetrakis Hexahedron

Geometric and other shapes

Miyuki Kawamura100Rectangle
Multiple units
Triakis Icosahedron

Geometric and other shapes

Miyuki Kawamura103Rectangle - 1X2
Multiple units
Pentakis Dodecahedron

Geometric and other shapes

Miyuki Kawamura107Square
Multiple units
Rhombic Dodecahedron

Geometric and other shapes

Miyuki Kawamura111Square
Multiple units
Rhombic Triacontahedron

Geometric and other shapes

Miyuki Kawamura113Square
Multiple units
Trapezoidal Icositetrahedron

Geometric and other shapes

Miyuki Kawamura115Rectangle
Multiple units
Trapezoidal Hexecontahedron

Geometric and other shapes

Miyuki Kawamura117Rectangle
Multiple units
Trapezoidal Icositetrahedron

Geometric and other shapes

Miyuki Kawamura121Rectangle
Multiple units
Hexakis Octahedron

Geometric and other shapes

Miyuki Kawamura122Rectangle - 1X2
Multiple units
Hexakis Icosahedron

Geometric and other shapes

Miyuki Kawamura128Rectangle
Multiple units
Pentagonal Icositetrahedron

Geometric and other shapes

Miyuki Kawamura133Rectangle - 1X2
Multiple units
Pentagonal Hexecontahedron

Geometric and other shapes

Miyuki Kawamura139Rectangle - 1X2
Multiple units
Trigonal dipyramid

Geometric and other shapes

Miyuki Kawamura144Rectangle
Multiple units
Pentagonal dipyramid

Geometric and other shapes

Miyuki Kawamura146Square
Multiple units
Hexagonal dipyramid

Geometric and other shapes

Miyuki Kawamura149Square
Multiple units
Heptagonal dipyramid

Geometric and other shapes

Miyuki Kawamura151Rectangle - 1X2
Multiple units
Octagonal dipyramid

Geometric and other shapes

Miyuki Kawamura153Rectangle - 1X2
Multiple units
Enneagonal dipyramid

Geometric and other shapes

Miyuki Kawamura155Rectangle - 1X2
Multiple units
Tetragonal Trapezohedron

Geometric and other shapes

Miyuki Kawamura158Rectangle - 1X2
Multiple units
Pentagonal Trapezohedron

Geometric and other shapes

Miyuki Kawamura161Rectangle - 1X2
Multiple units
Hexagonal Trapezohedron

Geometric and other shapes

Miyuki Kawamura164Rectangle
Multiple units
Heptagonal Trapezohedron

Geometric and other shapes

Miyuki Kawamura167Square
Multiple units
Octagonal Trapezohedron

Geometric and other shapes

Miyuki Kawamura169Square
Multiple units
Trigonal dipyramid (deltahedron)

Geometric and other shapes

Miyuki Kawamura178Square
Multiple units
Pentagonal dipyramid (deltahedron)

Geometric and other shapes

Miyuki Kawamura179Square
Multiple units
Dodecahedron (deltahedron)

Geometric and other shapes

Miyuki Kawamura180Square
Multiple units
Tetradecahedron (deltahedron)

Geometric and other shapes

Miyuki Kawamura181Square
Multiple units
Hexadecahedron (deltahedron)

Geometric and other shapes

Miyuki Kawamura182Square
Multiple units

Geometric and other shapes

Miyuki Kawamura183Rectangle
Multiple units
Rhombic Dodecahedron

Geometric and other shapes

Miyuki Kawamura187Square
Multiple units
Rhombic Icosahedron

Geometric and other shapes

Miyuki Kawamura188Square
Multiple units
Elongated Rhombic Dodecahedron

Geometric and other shapes

Miyuki Kawamura189Square
Multiple units
Cubic Sponge

Geometric and other shapes

Miyuki Kawamura193Square
Multiple units
Truncated Octahedral Sponge

Geometric and other shapes

Miyuki Kawamura194Triangle
Multiple units
Truncated Tetrahedral Sponge

Geometric and other shapes

Miyuki Kawamura196Triangle
Multiple units

Geometric and other shapes

Miyuki Kawamura198Triangle
Multiple units