Quadrato Magico Magazine 77 book cover

Quadrato Magico Magazine 77

2005 by Centro Diffusione Origami

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There are 5 Origami Designs in Quadrato Magico Magazine 77:

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Horse and rider

Mammals - Equidae - Horses and Donkeys

Carl Adolf Senff13Square
2 units

Also in AEP convention 2003

Pajarita variations
Origami Horse and rider by Carl Adolf Senff. Each folded from a square of Tant paper by Gilad Aharoni on giladorigami.com
Each folded from a square of Tant paper by Gilad Aharoni
Starry turtle

Reptiles - Turtles

Roberto Gretter34Hexagon
Turtle box

Boxes and Containers

Pasquale d'Auria39Square
2 units

Mammals - Rodentia - Rats, Mice and Rodents

Federico Scalambra46Square

Boxes and Containers

Philip Shen58Square